As my light becomes dark

I intertwine my words and vision into woven light

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This is the 19th poem I have written since the beginning of 2011....I know we are just entering February so I am effectively 12 poems behind....ho hum......

Crazy little moments
Running through my head
Jumbled bits of clutter
Cluttered, running scared
Tap, tap, tapping
Scuttling on the floor
Running up the hallway
Looking for a door
A place to hide their feelings
A place to hide away
A place to bury deep inside
A place to remain and stay
Crazy little thoughts
Bouncing off the walls
Bouncing like a bouncy ball
Bouncing up the halls
Crazy little thoughts
Send me spinning in a twirl
These crazy little thoughts
Stuck in a crazy little world
It’s time to clean the cluttered mind
Clean the dust and dirt away
Because crazy little thoughts
Are getting in my way
Crazy crazy little thoughts
Grow quickly in the dark
Emerging into one big thought
Moving quickly to the heart
Taking over every room
And every living space
Crazy crazy little thoughts
Its time you went away.

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